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3 July 14, 11:36
VA - %D0%92+%D0%A8%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B5+%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3+%D0%98+%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%87+%28In+Memory+of+Quorthon%29+-+vol.10 (2014)
Artist: VA
Album: В Шторме Викинг И Меч (In Memory of Quorthon) - vol.10
Year: 2014
Style: Viking Metal
01. Manowar - Kill With Power
02. Valhalla - Revenge - Shadow Of The King (Part 3)
03. Valhalla - Before The Storm
04. Nomans Land - Voice Of Battle (Bonustrack)
05. Bathory - Born For Burning
06. Iron Maiden - Invasion (Vikings Coming)
07. Путь Солнца - Братья
08. Vanaheim - Sinfonia
09. Space Vikings - Among the Stars
10. Judas Priest - Battle Hymn & One Shot At Glory
11. Enslaved - Death In The Eyes Of Dawn
12. Viking Skull - Cursed by The Sword
13. ?ther Realm - Odin Will Provide
14. Nidhøgg - Der Tod des Baldur
15. THORONDIR - Die runensage
16. Grimner - Fard
17. Elexorien - The disciple of the night under a starless sky
18. King Of Asgard - Wrath Of The Gods
19. Vikingaveisla - Draumferdir
20. Horrizon - I Will Never Return
21. Heljareyga - Heljareyga
22. Uruk-Hai - Calm After Storm [
23. Hildr Valkyrie - Ring Of Gold (Bathory Cover)
24. Nebelhorn - Nordwarts
25. Wulfshon - Son Ov Wolves
26. Vinterblot - As Sleipnir Rides
27. Vinterblot - The Forlorn War
28. Throne of Carrion - Smashing the Teeth of God
29. Twin Obscenity - Lain To Rest By The Sword
30. Myrkvar - Stilte Voor De Storm
31. Oakenshield - Earl Thorfinn
32. Ordo Naturn Bamay Crom - Glade in the forest
33. Thorr's Hammer - Troll
34. Fortid - Thor's Anger
35. Врата Тьмы - Песнь Волка
36. Тысячелистник - Меж Морем И Небом
37. Flaygoth - Северный Меч
38. Alvheim - Det Onde Riket
39. Hammer Horde - Pierced by Odin´s Spear
40. Хильд - Путь в Нифльхель
41. Judas Priest - Calm before the storm
42. Saxon - Hammer of the Gods
43. Fferyllt - Месть Локи
44. Last Wail - Northern Shores
45. Scald - Ragnaradi Eve
46. Heathen Foray - Messenger Of God
47. Hermh - Vallhalla (bathory cover)
48. Монолит - В Шторме Викинг и Меч (Коррозия Металла cover)
49. Almighty Apostles - Spirit of the North
50. Suidakra - Feats Of War
51. Kampfar - Swarm Norvegicus
52. Borknagar - Nord Naagauk
53. Lord Wind - Gates Of Valhalla
54. Orchid - New Jersey Vs. Valhalla
55. Burzum - My Ragnarok
56. Sabaton - Twilight Of The Thunder God
57. Amon Amarth - Thor Arise (bonus track)
58. Therion - Thor The Powerhead (Manowar Cover)
59. TyR - The Hammer Of Thor
60. Рихард Вагнер - Гибель Богов & Рагнарёк
61. Один и Тор - Sad But True
62. Svetovid - Blood On The Ground
63. White Devils - Valhalla
64. Crimson Glory - Valhalla
65. Blackbird Raum - Ravachol in Valhalla
66. Sleipnir - Take Us To Valhalla
67. Minas Morgul - Valhalla Feast
68. Jerry Goldsmith - Valhalla & Viking Victory
69. Folkodia - Bound For Valhalla
70. White Lion - The Road To Valhalla
71. Holy Grail - Call of Valhalla
72. Peter Peter And Peter Kyed - Valhalla Rising
73. Bornholm - Valhalla
74. Skullhead - Victory
75. Heaven Shall Burn - Valhalla
76. Viron - Winds Of Valhalla
77. Solefald - Waves Over Valhalla
78. Anakron - Harc Odin És Tór Nevében / Battle in the Name of Odin and Thor
3 July 14, 11:33
VA - %D0%92+%D0%A8%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B5+%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3+%D0%98+%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%87+%28In+Memory+Of+Quorthon%29+-+vol.09 (2014)
Artist: VA
Album: В Шторме Викинг И Меч (In Memory Of Quorthon) - vol.09
Year: 2014
Style: Viking Meta
01. Manowar - Die With Honor
02. Burzum - Galgviðr
03. Bathory - Man Of Iron
04. Amon Amarth - Twilight Of The Thunder God
05. Valhalla - Slaves Of The Mad God
06. Eton Nir - Journey To Cyrodiil
07. Valhalla (RUS) - Unholy Ancient Kings
08. valhalla - Resurrection (shadow of the king part ii)
09. Nomans Land - Storm Of Steel
10. Hildr Valkyrie - Thor The Thunder God
11. Svetovid - Surrounding Our Enemies
12. Путь Солнца - Я Вернусь Живым
13. The Helheim Society - Amok
14. Vanaheim - Fra En Svunnen Tid
15. Space Vikings - The Will of Men
16. Johansson - Samurai
17. Vikingo - Hasta El Fin
18. Enslaved - Storm Of Memories
19. Ancient Rites - Longing For The Ancient Kingdom
20. Robert Basarte - Precious Sword
21. Viking Skull - Start A War
22. ?ther Realm - Raven Song
23. Nidhøgg - Saga von Tyr
24. THORONDIR - Nordwindes zorn
25. Grimner - A Tale Of A Broken Man
26. Elexorien - Rising of the storm
27. King Of Asgard - Onset Of Ragnaroek
28. Vikingaveisla - Dufl og dans
29. Bloodaxe - Upon The Fields Of Vigrid
30. Horrizon - The Storm
31. Heljareyga - Lagnan
32. Uruk-Hai - The Battle
33. Nebelhorn - Walhall
34. Wulfshon - The Calling of the Ancestral Blood
35. Vinterblot - Blood Furnace
36. Throne of Carrion - War Drums and Ebony Ships Part I
37. Twin Obscenity - At The Rising Of The Sun
38. Myrkvar - I Viking
39. Oakenshield - Northreyjar
40. Ordo Natum Bamay Crom - The moons of Bamay Crom
41. Thorr's Hammer - Norge
42. Fortid - An Ode to the Raven
43. Врата Тьмы - Войны Северной Земли
44. Тысячелистник - Торин
45. Flaygoth - В Поход
46. Alvheim - Til Valhallen
47. Hammer Horde - Hymn of the Fjords
48. Хильд - Воин
49. Runic - Playing With Gods
50. Heorot - Ragnarok
51. Judas Priest - God's Of War
52. Saxon - Call in To Arms
53. Fferyllt - Brothers Of North
54. Last Wail - Battleforce
55. Scald - In The Open Sea
56. Heathen Foray - Theatre Of Battle
57. Vermis Mysteriis - Valhalla (Bathory cover)
58. ELIGORIUM - В шторме викинг и меч (Коррозия Металла Cover)
59. Almighty Apostles - Pursuit Of Vikings (Amon Amarth Cover)
60. Heidevolk - Walhalla wacht
61. Suidakra - Reap The Storm
62. Compos Mentis - The Innate God
63. Kampfar - Naglfar/Ragnarok
64. Borknagar - The Eye Of Oden
65. Windir - Destroy
66. Heaven Shall Burn - Valhalla
67. Thyrfing - A Moment in Valhalla
68. Рихард Вагнер-Вступление Богов в Валгалу
69. 13 Воин - Valhalla Viking Victory
70. Forodwaith - Valhalla Feast
71. All I Could Bleed - Valhalla
72. Albannach - Valhalla's Feast
73. Heathen Foray - Theatre Of Battle
3 July 14, 11:30
VA - %D0%92+%D0%A8%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B5+%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3+%D0%98+%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%87+%28In+Memory+Of+Quorthon%29+-+vol.08 (2014)
Artist: VA
Album: В Шторме Викинг И Меч (In Memory Of Quorthon) - vol.08
Year: 2014
Style: Viking Metal
01. Коррозия Металла - Нет Пощады Врагу
02. Amon Amarth - Varyags Of Miklagaard
03. Bathory - Nordland
04. Nomans Land - Storm Of Steel
05. Manowar - Battle Hymn
06. Miecz Wikinga - Jesteś Krainą Sposobności
07. Волколак - Сгинуть
08. Battlelore - Swordmaster
09. Norden - ...On The Raven's Wings
10. Nachtfalke - Ode To The Fallen One
11. Slechtvalk - Hounds Of Battle
12. Spectral - Pagan Steel
13. Folkearth - Before Battle I Embrace
14. Menhir (GER) - Paganlord
15. Graveland - Born For War
16. Folkearth - Thunders of War
17. Forefather - The Last Battle
18. Graveland - Dance of Axes and Swords
19. Elexorien - Running with the wolves of war
20. Bloodshed Walhalla - Land Of Fire
21. No Remorse No Retreat - Hammer of thor
22. Burzum - Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Saule Der Singularitat
23. Wandersword - Северные Врата
24. Vice Lords Of Valhalla - Romancing the Skull
25. Tyr - Valhalla
26. Valhalla - Father's Speach (Calling To Wage Of War)
27. Eton Nir - Dusk
28. Hugin Munin - Viking Brothers
29. Valhalla (RUS) - Whole Gods With Us
30. Valhalla - Shadow Of The King, Part I
31. Nomans land - Hail Normann
32. Hildr Valkyrie - Riding Through The Battle
33. Svetovid - Battle's Twilight
34. Morbid Jester - Stallion Of Steel
35. Путь Солнца - Штормовая Команда
36. The Helheim Society - Saga Mørket
37. Vanaheim - Vardoger
38. TrelleborG - Into Battle
39. MOURNING ENDS - Hate To See You Die
40. Space Vikings - Odin's Nebula
41. Johansson - Winter Battle [Instrumental]
42. Robert Basarte - Winter Cold To The Bones
43. REBELLION - Ragnarok
44. Vikingo - Nada Por Perder
45. Enslaved - Allfáðr Oðinn
46. Ancient Rites - Death Messiah
47. Viking Skull - In For The Kill
48. Balyios - Valhalla
49. HyPnaGogiA - Valhalla
50. ?ther Realm - One Chosen By The Gods
51. Nidhøgg - Till Death We Stand
52. Thorondir - Cursed By The Gods
53. Grimner - Into The Night We Drink
54. Elexorien - A call to arms
55. King Of Asgard - Nordvegr
56. Vikingaveisla - A Sprengisandi
57. Bloodaxe - Bleeding Ymir
58. Horrizon - Northern Winds
59. Baldrs Draumar - Til Sine Dagers Ende
60. Ravenage - Northern Scheme
61. Heljareyga - Vetrarbreytin
62. Malnatt - Ragnarök
63. Uruk-Hai - Blood of Heroes
64. Satyricon - Mother North
65. Nifelheim - Die In Fire
66. Satyricon - Born For Burning
67. Dimmu Borgir - Satan My Master (Bathory cover)
3 July 14, 11:24
VA - %D0%92+%D0%A8%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B5+%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3+%D0%98+%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%87+%28In+Memory+Of+Quorthon%29+-+vol.07 (2014)
Artist: VA
Album: В Шторме Викинг И Меч (In Memory Of Quorthon) - vol.07
Year: 2014
Style: Viking Metal
01. Коррозия Металла - В шторме викинг и меч
02. Bathory - Valhalla (Never Before Released)
03. Manowar - Sleipnir & Odin's Waiting For Me
04. Bathory - A Fine Day To Die
05. Amon amarth - Valhall awaits me
06. Nomans Land - Father North
07. Almighty Apostles - Black Fog of the War
08. Bloodshed Walhalla - Born in fire
09. Miecz Wikinga - Odsieczy Czas
10. Волколак - Гибель Волколаков
11. Battlelore - House Of Heroes
12. Norden - Return To Fatherland
13. Einherjer - Far Far North
14. Nachtfalke - Ragnarцk
15. Slechtvalk - Thunder Of War
16. Spectral - Die in Battle
17. Glittertind - The Battle of Stiklestad
18. Folkearth - The Will Of Odin
19. Graveland - The Dark Battlefield
20. Månegarm - Pagan war
21. Graveland - In the Northern Carpathians
22. Menhir (GER) - Warrior Of The North
23. No Remorse No Retreat - Warbringer
24. Ultima Thule - Ragnarök (Ny Inspelning)
25. Burzum - War
26. Battleroar - Sword of Crom
27. Tyr - By the Sword in my Hand
28. Wandersword - Сорок Воинов
29. Asareidi - Чертог Бессмертных
30. Nordverg - Покидая Фьорд
31. Midgaard - One Rode to Asa Bay (Bathory Cover)
32. Vice Lords of Valhalla - Vacant
33. Valhalla - The Way Of Gods
34. Eton Nir - Dawn
35. Hugin Munin - Thor in Jotunheim
36. Valhalla (RUS) - While Gods With Us 98
37. Valhalla - Enemy
38. Balyios - Death And Glory
39. Nomans land - Beard of storm
40. Hildr Valkyrie - Shield Brothers Of Valhalla
41. Svetovid - Swords Of Light
42. HyPnaGogiA - Bloody Cotton Fields
43. Morbid Jester - Dancin' On Fire
44. Путь Солнца - Я Вернусь Живым
45. Vanaheim - Ved Veis Ende Kap 2
46. Trelleborg - Tale Of The Immortals
47. Siegfried - Die Treuwacht
48. MOURNING ENDS - ...Surpass The Gods
49. Space Vikings - Battle of the Mead Hall
50. Johansson - Valhall Scuffle [Instrumental]
51. Robert Basarte - Storm Is Coming
52. REBELLION - Odin
53. Mjolner - Vikingakung
54. Vikingo - Solo El Silencio
55. Enslaved - Urtical Gods
56. Ancient Rites - Quest for Blood (Le Vampire)
57. Viking Skull - 19 Swords
58. Balyios - Death And Glory
59. Æther Realm - Odin Will Provide
60. Nidhøgg - Storm Of Fimbul
61. THORONDIR - Gods From The Past
62. Grimner - A Call For Battle
63. Elexorien - Running with the wolves of war
64. King Of Asgard - ...To North
65. Vikingaveisla - Forbodin ast
66. Bloodaxe - Northern Winds Of Genocide
67. Horrizon - Journey to Valhall
68. Baldrs Draumar - Ved Valhallas Bål
3 July 14, 11:11
VA - %D0%92+%D0%A8%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B5+%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3+%D0%98+%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%87+%28In+Memory+Of+Quorthon%29+-+vol.06 (2014)
Artist: VA
Album: В Шторме Викинг И Меч (In Memory Of Quorthon) - vol.06
Year: 2014
Style: Viking Metal
01. Amon amarth - With oden on our side
02. Manowar - Odin
03. Коррозия Металла - Р.О.А.
04. Ensiferum - Raised By The Sword
05. Bathory - The Sword
06. Butterfly Temple - последняя битва богов
07. Nomans Land - Hail Normann
08. Almighty Apostles - Seraph Near With God
09. Bloodshed Walhalla - Warrior of the northern
10. Imperial Dusk - Times Of War
11. Miecz Wikinga - Tron Szyderczych Prawd
12. Волколак - Вечный Огонь
13. Battlelore - Sword's Song
14. Norden - Sight Of Black Sun (Ragnarok part II)
15. Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All
16. Nachtfalke - Odin
17. Slechtvalk - War Of The Ancients
18. Spectral - To The Gates Of Valhalla
19. Glittertind - Norge I Rodt, Hvitt Og Blеtt
20. Folkearth - Tribute To The Viking Gods
21. Mourning Ends - ...Surpass The Gods
22. Folkearth - Vikings anthem
23. Graveland - To Die In Fight
24. Runic - Playing With Gods
25. Battlelore - Sword's Song
26. No Remorse No Retreat - War age
27. Ultima Thule - Blonda Svenska Vikingar
28. Burzum - Sverddans
29. Реанимация - Вальхалла
30. Battleroar - Calm Before the Storm
31. Tyr - Northern Gate
32. Skilfingar - Gods and Giants. Legends II
33. Nordverg - Меч Судьбы
34. Wandersword - Мирный страж
35. Asareidi - Молний Стали Звон...
36. Midgaard - Битва
37. Vice Lords of Valhalla - Ulcer
38. Vikings - Across the great wide Sea
39. Viking - Militia Of Death
40. Valhalla - Starflaming Heart Of Ural
41. Valhalla - Odin's Daughters
42. Eton Nir - Umaril The Unfeathered
43. Hugin Munin - Die for Odin
44. Viking Crown - Christianity Has No Chance
45. Valhalla - Battle By Truth
46. Valhalla (RUS) - Battle For Asgard
47. Valhalla - Heroes
48. Balyios - Valhalla
49. Nomans land - Sea battlefield
50. Hildr Valkyrie - To Wallhall Shall Meet
51. Svetovid - Valhalla
52. HyPnaGogiA - Valhalla
53. Morbid Jester - Gates To Valhalla
54. Путь Солнца - С нами Один и Тор
55. The Helheim Society - Fimbulwinter
56. Trelleborg - From The Seas
57. Vanaheim - Ved Veis Ende Kap 1
58. Siegfried - Du Und Ich
59. Mourning Ends - Die Ewigkeit Der Freiheit
60. Hin Onde - At The Borders Of Pagandom
61. Hull - Viking Funeral
62. Space Vikings - Be A Viking
63. Shelder - God of Vikings
64. Johansson - The Last Viking
65. REBELLION - Ynglinga Saga (To Odin We Call)
66. Apoteoza - Fight Spirit from Viking Warrior
67. Mjolner - Vikingasjal
68. Vikingo - Intoxicacion
69. Enslaved - I Lenker Til Ragnarok
70. Ancient Rites - Shades Of Eternal Battlefields (Our Empire Fell)
71. Valhalla (Pol) - Valhalla
23 April 13, 02:48
%D0%9F%D1%83%D1%82%D1%8C+%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B0+ - %D0%92%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BA+ (2013)
Artist: Путь Солнца
Album: Волк
Year: 2013
Style: Pagan Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal
Country: Россия
1. С нами Один и Тор
2. Тотем Волк (feat. Felipe Eregion of Unearthly)
3. Наполним Кубки
4. Я Вернусь Живым
5. Морская Песня
6. Беги за Горизонт
7. Дети Огня
8. Штормовая Команда
9. Ни шагу Назад
10. Русский Флаг
11. Вперёд
12. Братья
13. Попс (ГрОб cover)
26 May 11, 19:19
VA - SICKFUCK+Compilation+%231 (2011)
Artist: VA
Album: SICKFUCK Compilation #1
Year: 2011
Style: Death Metal/Black Metal
Country: Russia/Ukraine/Belarus
01. Руби - Путь Солнца
02. Annihilation of Enslavement - Acephala
03. Voice of resistance - Bleed
04. Solitude Beside - Shturm
05. Blasphemy - Eternal Deception
06. Urbanistic Echoes of Evolution - Lost Conception
07. Internal Asphyxiation - Pussymutilator
08. Обнажи Мою Тьму! - Liebestods
09. Сан Гриньол - Артания
10. By the Mist - Tophet
11. Я Слышу - Dagmathe
12. Muldvarper - Dieses
13. Dream - Henoticon
14. Dogs With a Severed Legs - Marble Carrion
15. Postmortem Examination - Dusk of Eternity
16. На Крыльях Смерти - Iron Hills
17. Plague Spawn - Rateater
18. 3-17 - From my Cold Hands
19. Fear - Чётное Число
20. Karaoke Slam - Disfigurement of Flesh